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For more information on Pharmacy Interprofessional Experience (PIPE) please review the following materials:

Pharmacy Students Caring for Patients on an Interprofessional Team
“Interprofessional education is a crucial part of the curriculum at ACPHS. During my inpatient internal medicine rotation at Albany Medical Center, I had the opportunity to be part of an interprofessional disciplinary team. Being part of this team made me realize the importance of my role as a student pharmacist in patient care. By effectively contributing to improving patient care and paying attention to every detail, we enhanced trust and respect among team members. Seeing the impact of our contributions on patient care was truly fulfilling.” - Kayla Wesley, Doctor of Pharmacy Class of 2024

Values and ethics – Emphasize common goal of providing high quality, patient-centered health care while demonstrating mutual respect, trust, integrity, and high standards of ethics
Roles and responsibilities – Realize students may lack an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of other health professionals
Interprofessional communication – Acknowledge hierarchy by intentionally using language to establish an equal learning environment. Create a safe and brave space wherein students feel comfortable speaking to each other and facilitators primarily listen
Teams and teamwork – Promote the benefits of interprofessional learning for teamwork and link effective team collaboration to patient care
“Interprofessional collaborative practice is key to the safe, high-quality, accessible, patient-centered care desired by all.”
Interprofessional Education Collaborative. (2016). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: 2016 update. Washington, DC: Interprofessional Education Collaborative.
For Faculty & Staff
Academic Support Services – For Faculty and Preceptors:
- Interprofessional Education (IPE) Scaffolding (Adapted from Millers Pyramid)
- IPE faculty facilitation video
- IPE faculty facilitation tips
- Preceptor development IPE slides

The director of IPE chairs the committee, which comprises four additional faculty members from the Department of Pharmacy Practice and one P3 student as voting members. The PharmD program directors, the Department of Pharmacy practice chair, the associate dean for Pharmacy, and the assistant dean of Experiential Education are also invited to attend as needed. Members serve for a term of three years with no limit on renewals, which are highly encouraged to maintain consistency among external partnerships.
Amanda Engle, BS, PharmD, BCPS
Director of Interprofessional Education
Assistant Professor